When You Think “Electroglas Probers” – Think MarTek!
MarTek: The Electroglas Prober OEM.

MarTek specializes in providing new and refurbished wafer probers to semiconductor manufacturers and testing companies in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

The experience and expertise of the MarTek Field Service team sets us apart from all others. We will even upgrade your old probers to maximize your current investments!

We are the OEM of Electroglas wafer probers, parts and service. Our well established global MarTek team is here to help you achieve your goals.

MarTek is headquartered in Arizona, USA, but has affiliate companies in Europe and Asia. Our global support team can cover your needs no matter where your test floor resides.
Identifying Customer Needs
Our unique approach to addressing customers needs combined with our factory trained field service engineers is specifically designed to reduce your cost of ownership. The EG Prober team will work collectively to ensure your needs are met on all levels.
Need Prober parts? Shop on our webstore!
As the Electroglas OEM, we keep stock of all parts needed for Electroglas 2001, 3001, 4085, 4080, 4090X, 4090µ, 4090µ+, 4090ƒƒ, 6000, 6000e and Pathfinder wafer probers. See our exhaustive parts list at the link below. If the part you need is not on the web store, contact us, and we will gladly help you get the parts your probers need.